He willow It is governed by the moon and its element is water. It is used to work levels of consciousness and to develop your intuition.
It is used in magic to heal. If these Studdx with your power, the Sáuce is a great ingredient to help you flow and heal your inner power. In the language of plants and flowers it means friendship.
In Greek mythology, Persephone, Hécate and Artemis are associated with the willow. The Goddess Sorcerer Circe planted Llorones Sauces bordering a cemetery that was on the edge of a river to make magic there, because an extended belief said that the convergence of moon, willow and water provided a magical trinity. It is also one of the 21 sacred trees of the Celts.
No doubt this tree is magical and has supernatural powers. It also symbolizes struggle, success and fidelity.