Pink quartz
He Pink quartz The stone of love and friendship is par excellence. This mineral was consecrated to the goddesses of love and beauty. It favors good relationships in love, both with you himself and as a couple, as well as family or friendship. But above all love to yourself.
It facilitates verbalizing the person we love what we really feel. Improves self -esteem by providing security and trust. Helps modify negative energy to positive energy and to have pure thoughts to facilitate forgiveness and avoid resentment.
This quartz also blocks the attacks of bad energies and envy that can try to destabilize the love relationships of their holder and help reduce the damage caused by electromagnetic waves of electronic devices.
This quartz provides the necessary harmony to have clean and pure thought and be able to forgive. It is able to release tensions on our face, so there are many roller rollers of pink quartz. It also releases the solar load and energy stagnation plexus.
To clean the raw pink quartz, do it circularly with the smoke of the Incense, Benjuí, Salvia, Palo Santo, Copal…. A very effective and beautiful way is to clean it with the vibrations of Tibetan bowls .. Then Charge it in the light of the full moon, never in the sunlight. To load it, always do it in the light of the full moon, in the sunlight is losing its color.