Amethyst Drusa
A amethyst Drusa It is a set or family of amethyst tips. The difference in having a family to a family is that the amethyst being in Druz stay. A Drusa harmonizes your stay, is usually put a lot in the entrances of the houses because it absorbs the "negative" energy or the low vibrations and turns them positive. It is one of the only minerals that has the ability to do this.
It is perfect for cleaning and loading your minerals. You will only have to leave the mineral on top of the Drusa for a few minutes or a few hours and that's it. The amethyst is compatible with almost all minerals, but with some as with the jaspe or turquoise. Understand me, nothing bad will happen, only that instead of enhancing their power they will be annulled among them.
The amethyst stone has the ability to transmute energy into love. It is well known for facilitating access to your emotions, clarifying them and being able to verbalize them from calm and love. It is very good for when the mind is overwhelmed and the revolt emotions. It helps to calm violent emotions and anger. It facilitates entering a deep state of meditation, increases intuition and psychic powers. It is one of the most spiritual minerals since it promotes light and love. Meditating with it helps you connect with your essence and your real being.
The amethyst is governed by lunar and female energy. It helps to balance the female energy in you and that you feel in power with it. If you place an amethyst stone in your home it will collect all the negative energy and make it positive. Relieves headaches, tension and calms physical and psychological tensions.
If you are working with your spirituality this is the perfect stone to accompany you on any way, it helps you develop your intuition, enhance your visualizations and facilitate a deep state meditating.
During pregnancy the amethyst is a super good stone since it creates a circle of protection for the mother and the fetus. It is like an energy aura that protects you and accompanies you in the first months of gestation and also during childbirth.
Again the Amastist does not need much cleaning but depends on where it is placed or what you are working perhaps if it is good that you take away the density. Clean it with smoke of incense, copal, Palo Santo, Salvia etc ... in a circular way or as your intuition dictates. You can also do it with vibrations of a Tibetan bowl.
Cárlaga in the light of the full moon, and only from the moon. If you expose it to the sun, you will lose its color.