
The ACIANO FLOWER attracts pure love and sincere friendship. Symbolizes hope, simplicity and faithfulness. It also grants prophetic dreams and enhances psychic powers. Attract pure and selfless love to your life. The blue color helps you in communication and gives you confidence to listen to your intuition. If you want to enhance subtle energy works, accompany the Aciano flower with a raw sapphire, a sodalite or a lapislázuli.


The Aciano (Centaurea Cyanus), also known as Blue or single flower, is a plant that has been valued in ethnobotany and folklore due to its medicinal properties and its magical symbolism. Next, I explain some of the magical meanings and traditional uses of the Aciano:

  1. Protection: The Aciano has protective properties. If you place the flowers at the entrance of your houses, it will protect from unwanted energy. 

  2. Clairvoyance and vision: Stimulates physical and spiritual vision. It is taken as tea or in bathrooms to enhance clairvoyance and psychic perception. This tea is very effective when we have conjunctivitis, relieving the affected area.

  3. Love and fidelity: Aciano's flower has been a symbol of love and faithfulness, especially in European culture. In the Victorian era, giving a flower of Aciano was a way of expressing romantic feelings and commitment. In some legends, it is said that if a person carried an aciano and is wilting quickly, it meant that his love was not reciprocated.

  4. Purification: Aciano flowers are used in purification rituals, if you burn them or spread their petals in the water, it will help you clean negative energies and purify your space and the energy of people.

  5. Fortune and prosperity: This flower is also associated with good luck and prosperity.  Taking a bouquet of these flowers can attract good fortune and blessings.

  6. Spiritual connection: In some traditions, Aciano is used to meditate and spiritual practices, helping to connect with spiritual guides and find clarity on the spiritual path.

Soy sail with aciano flower